Logo Design
When it comes to starting a new company, a good logo design can have a huge effect on the success or failure of your business. We like to approach the challenge of creating a logo with these four fundamental principles in mind.

The best logos will look good whether enlarged greatly to be displayed on billboard, or shrunk small enough to fit on a postage stamp. Logos eventually end up on a variety of mediums and need to be able to be used in all kinds of applications. A logo that is overly complex will become difficult to read when enlarged or reduced in size. It is also imperative that your logo is created in the proper vector format, which will insure that your design will be able to scale to any size without losing quality.
Be Memorable & Unique
You want people to remember your logo long after they've seen it. To do so, avoid using generic and meangingless icons that have little or no relevance to the nature of your company. Overly complex logos can also be confusing and easy to forget, which brings us to our next point...
To put it simply, a simple logo will be more memorable, and it will also allow for greater versatility and ease of use. Some of the biggest and most successful companies’ logos demonstrate this principle well. Logos like Nike, Apple and Walmart are all classic examples.
Connects with the Qualities of your Company
Finally, it doesn't matter how well your logo follows the above principles if it doesn't connect with qualities of your company. Your logo should be an icon that fully embodies the unique qualities of your business. Each company has unique culture, and being able to convey some of that in your logo can go a long way in creating a brand that will be as effective as possible. Having a logo that is relevant to the products or services you provide is critical.
If you are in need of a logo design and want to make sure you get it done right the first time, contact us to receive a free consultation and quote for your project.